Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nothing too new but will post any way...

Gage is starting to get up on all fours for a little while... He is much more interested in crawling than sitting up. No teeth yet either.

I was gone most of the evening and left all the boys alone. I first reffed my first hockey game ever and then did Tae Kwon Do. Busy day, but fun. It's amazing how nice it was to come home, to hear Logan as I walked in the door and see Gage's big smile when he saw my face.... bliss.

Logan helped me do the laundry today as usual. It's his favorite task. He takes the clothes out of th dryer and pushes the basket to our bedroom for emptying... then pushes it back into the laundry room. Very helpful.

1 comment:

Jess R said...

Heather- I love the blog!! I'll be sending you an email as soon as I have a free hand. These 3 are keeping me busy. :-)
