Sunday, November 19, 2006

Have to write again....

Logan tried the potty thing again tonight. After a few minutes of trying with no success, I took him off the potty and went in search of a diaper. To his surprise, and mine, he peed on the floor outside the bathroom door. This potty thing will take a long time, I can tell. I've dug my feet in for the long haul. :)

On a sad note, Amy and I went to visit a friend 3 days ago in Long Prairie that we used to play softball with. She had been battling cancer for nearly 2 years and had taken a turn for the worse. On our visit, she slept the whole time so we didn't get to talk with her. I received word that she passed away this morning. She was 68 but certainly never acted like it.


Mangya Drews said...

Logan is doing great. After all he is a boy and they are a little slower on potty training. They prefer going out in the woods. I had a realy smart uncle who still had big time accidents in kindergarten.

The Drews Family said...

Very true. Daddy would be peeing off the deck every day if we didn't live in town. I am happy just knowing that he's trying.

the laubach clan said...

This is awesome! Now you can continue to share your family moments with us. Thanks for sharing this site with me!