Saturday, January 5, 2008


Christmas came and went way too fast. Unfortunately, Logan was sick Christmas morning with what I had had on Christmas Eve. Poor kid laid on the living room floor rather than opening presents. Kinda broke our hearts. Gage gave us the Christmas morning show that we had expected from Logan. Fortunately, by about lunch, he was playing with his toys.

Santa brought the boys each a pirate ship, books and puzzles, CAT construction vehicles, cars and trucks, a remote control car, a really cool ImagiNext rhino, and a new big boy car seat for Logan. Logan's favorite was his car seat. He loves seeing how big he's getting. Logan has also enjoyed his 24-pc. puzzles and his working hard at putting them together.

On Christmas Eve, we put out cookies for Santa. Christmas morning, Logan was most interested in if Santa ate the cookies than all those presents under the tree. Gage on the other hand went nutts over the presents.

Dan and I got each other a couple new kitchen appliances this year and that was it.

Here's some pictures of the holiday season:

It took so much work to get a good picture...

During the picture taking process, Logan got frustrated and began to cry, and Gage had to copy him.

Daycare puts on a Christmas party each year. Above are the rest of the daycare crew with Santa.

As expected... The boys with Santa.

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