Sunday, November 19, 2006

In brief...

Today, Logan is 2 1/2 and Gage is almost 8 months old. I have time to type now because both boys are down for their naps.

Gage is the most delightful baby on the face of the planet. He is always soooo happy and easy to please, and seldom ever cries.... and if he does, he is easily soothed. At this time, he is starting to pull himself forward to get things he wants. As for sitting, he can sit up but it isn't his favorite way to be. He prefers to be on his belly so he can move around to play with different toys. Right now, he is eating lots of solids. For lunch, he had an entire green bean container as well as half a container of bananas and applesauce. Gage goes down for naps and bed like a champ. I put him to sleep in his crib while he's awake but tired and he falls asleep on his own. I really couldn't ask for more than that. His favorite toys right now are the soft plastic books and Logan's tab blanket. Gage enjoys time in his exersaucer that Amy gave us. He gets really excited and jumps up and down in it. I think he likes the perspective from up there.

Logan is the typical 2 year old. Very very energetic. He wears everyone out within minutes. However, he too is a perfect little boy who is very manageable. For discipline, Logan responds best to timeouts as well as rewards. For example, today Logan got his hair cut. And he knew if he was a good boy, he'd get a sucker. He certainly deserved the sucker. We've been working on potty training these days. He currently has peed in the potty two times. Yesterday was the second time. I can't believe how exciting it is when he does go. A few days ago, Logan was sitting on the potty. I turned my back on him for just a minute and I heard him saying, over and over again, "Oh, Oh." He had pooped on the floor, 2 inches from the toilet. Even that was exciting. Recently, Logan started jumping while holding one of my fingers, and he now can go up and down a sinlge step without hanging onto anything. He is still quite the klutz but he's coming around. His eyes are a little crossed still but not bad. Last night, I was looking at a few of his pictures from his first year and was shocked at how crossed his eyes were. Logan will see the opthalmologist again December 8th. I really don't want him to go through surgery again.

One of the most enjoyable times in the house are when the boys play together. Logan can sure get Gage laughing hard. Recently, Gage was cracking up because Logan would put a toy on his head and let it fall off. This went on for about 10 minutes, and none of us tired of it.

Logan does PT in St. Cloud every Tuesday. He works with Julie on his balance and strength. Some of the things she does with him are the following: jumping on a little trampoline that has a handle for him to hang on to, walking up and down stairs trying to alternate his feet on each step, riding a trike, squatting to standing... and more.

Gage was being seen regarding his head shape (plagiocephaly). After about 6 weeks of cap treatment, Gage's head was nearly normal... normal enough for me. So we have since kept him out of it. He didn't mind it much but I did. Also, it's nice not having to go all the way to Gelette in Minnetonka bi-weekly like we were.

Dan has been hunting and has spent the last 3 weeks searching for that trophy buck. I do hope he gets one today as it is the very last day of the season. He says if he doesn't, he'll be taking up muzzle loading, which will then give him a few more weeks of hunting. Before deer season, he was pheasent hunting, and before pheasent season, he was grouse hunting. Now after deer season is over, he'll still be pheasent hunting.

For me, I am involved in Tae Kwon Do. I've been at it since May and have totally fallen in love with the workouts and the people. I needed the exercise badly after 3 months of bedrest with Gage and nothing else had worked in the past. But this is great. Right now, I am nursing a chipped 5th metacarpal bone (that was caused by my bad block of a right round house kick). If it isn't healed in 2 1/2 more weeks, then I'll have to have the chip removed... which I really don't want to have happen. Well, I am currently a Yellow belt and will hopefully get my Green belt next month.

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