Now onto priceless stories...
Story #1
Let's start with Logan and potty training. He's been doing pretty well, so well that we moved to underwear. After about a week dry in pull-ups, we thought we were ready. He did well for about 4 days, then we had four days straight of accidents. But I was determined that Logan really was trying so I wasn't giving up on him. Well, we had been doing OT twice a week, and it was getting so hard trying to drive to St. Cloud each time, dragging my overactive Gage along, trying to make it home in time to cook dinner and get myself off to Taekwondo so I could come home and do school for a few hours. Mondays and Wednesdays were no fun. So, this one Wednesday, I decided I was going to tell OT that I just couldn't do it anymore. I needed to cut visits down to once a week. After OT, I talked to the OT person in the waiting area about it, the whole time trying to chase down Logan and Gage. Logan planted himself down by the desks in the middle of the hall, laid right there in the middle of the floor. I left him be since he was still and I could keep in eye on him while visiting with OT. I don't even remember what Gage was doing. In the end, the OT folks convinced me to try it one more time and gave me some tips. So I went to gather up Logan and there he was, still laying on the floor, drenched in pee. So I asked this mom I've gotten to know over there to watch Gage so I could change Logan, and I just happened to have his school backpack with that contained a change of pants and a pull-up. I finally made it out of there carrying Gage tightly in one arm with him struggling to get down, and Logan in the other carried like a suitcase by his coat zipper. They just wouldn't listen. The next week, I enlisted the stroller to help me. Finally, I felt human again. That's been working better.
Story #2: Gage and the K-NEX.
I headed to Taekwondo one night and left Dan playing with Gage and Logan on the living room floor with KNEX. KNEX's are like legos... you put them together to make shapes and other things... but they have many different shapes including long pieces shaped like straws. Kinda cool. When I came home, Dan had this face of disgust, like he had been through something terrible. He said they were playing with the KNEX. Logan was really into it and Gage was kinda into it, grabbing pieces here and there and walking around with them. So Dan grabbed a piece to put it into another piece and he thought to himself, "Boy. That one went in easy." He picked up a few more, then saw some brown chunks on another piece and gave it a smell. Sure enough, there were poop on the pieces. He grabbed Gage and checked his diaper and of course, he had poop in there. But not just poop, he was putting KNEX pieces down the back of his diaper. He had like 4 of the straw-shaped ones down there. By the time I came home, all the KNEXs were in the sink and Dan was looking for other poop spots around the house. He didn't think it was funny but I cracked up laughing.
Story #3
Logan has now been wearing glasses on a regular basis. (I have to get some pics posted.) He's doing OK but he often asks for them off and we don't argue. We let him take them off but whenever he asks for something, he has to put them back on first. We spent about $300 on them so we are kinda protective of them, of course. It's not like there's insurance on them. The first time we're out in public with them, we go to Wal-Mart. About 30 minutes into shopping, Dan looks at him and says, "Where are your glass?" Logan just took them off and threw them on the floor. We traced back our steps and found a nice couple who were searching for the owners of these glasses they found in the toy section. This same thing has happened a few times, including at the arcade this past weekend at the water park.. That's why we say, "Logan. You can take your glasses off anytime but you have to give them to us when you do." Logan still calls them sun glasses since that's all he's ever seen us wearing.
Story #4
Gage's words are finally starting to explode. He isn't quite making sentences but he's close. Every morning I drop him off at day care, he says, "Hug?" and he gives me a big kiss by grabbing my head and pulling it close, then gives me the sweetest hug. I am reminded every single second how much he loves me. :) He slept with me at the hotel last weekend and when he woke up, the first thing he saw was my face. He got a smile on it and said, "Mama?" Priceless.