Yes. Logan turned 3 last week, but we were so busy preparing for his party and getting our fence up that I have had no time to write.
We had his party this past Saturday. Considering it was opening fishing, it was surprising that nearly all our families made it. The weather was beautiful and the food was great. We completed the fence the night before which made the day that much better.
For Logan's birthday, he got a turtle sand box that has since become a pool, a wiggly sprinkler to jump through, beach toys, remote controlled airplanes, jumpy ball, swim pool playground thingy, some clothes, and much more. Thanks to everyone for their gifts.
The next day, Mother's Day, we went to The Lodge in Brainerd for a few hours. It's a hotel water park. I think Gage enjoyed it more than Logan but we'll definitely have to do it again soon. We were able to go with Sarah, Jace, and Emma, which made it a lot more fun that it would have been otherwise.
Speaking of Emma, Logan LOVES Emma sooooo much. They spent all weekend holding hands and playing together. She's such a good cousin.
Today, after work, I was able to fully enjoy the fenced in yard. I set up the sprinkler, filled the turtle with water, and let them have fun. Ava ran wild as well. It was fun and relaxing. Soooo nice. Gage really liked the sprinkler. He'd fuss a little as he would find himself in sprinkles and not able to get out as soon as he'd prefer. But eventually, he would get a bit more brave and venture in further and further. Logan would run pretty wide by it but he was getting a little closer near the end. Once I filled up the turtle with water, the sprikler was history.
Logan goes on streaks of good and bad behavior. He has been on his best since this weekend and it has truly been a pleasure to be his mom. His conversational abilities are growing so fast. He still gets really whiny here and there but he's getting better I'd like to think.
Gage is a full-time walker now. He falls often but get's right back up. He now has 4 teeth - the middle bottom two and the two top "fangs". Funny. Logan's top fangs came in first too. Weird.
Appetite-wise, Gage is a total pig and Logan has slowed. It is difficult to get him to eat, whereas with Gage, it's hard to satisfy his appetite. A growth spurt must be around the corner.
Logan has his 3 year appointment with the local ped. Friday. Should be fun, I hope.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
It's been a while...
Things have been going well ever since Dan bought a tie out for the dog. Now I can keep Logan and Ava separated while maintaining my sanity. The two together are just way too much.
Gage is walking about 95% of the time now and is improving every day. I think he probably has about 3 teeth now. 2 on the bottom and 1 on top. And the best news, everyone is sleeping through the night. Gage, Ava... everyone. I haven't gotten up with Gage in several weeks now so I think it's official.
We went and got Gage a haircut yesterday. He is like a whole new boy. It's weird how haircuts do that. We used the sucker trick again and he did real well. The color of his hair is much lighter now, unfortauntely, as I was hoping he would have Daddy's hair. None-the-less, he looks so much older. I was watching him in the mirror sucking on his sucker for quite a while, thinking about how cute he was. Then I glanced at my own reflection. It hit me how dark complected Gage really is. I am fair skinned but I already have a bit of a tan, but after looking at Gage, I appeared as white as a ghost.
I went and saw the preschool Logan will be attending next fall and was very impressed. Because of his grade III brain bleeds upon birth, Logan has automatically qualified for Early-Childhood Special Education services. He's been getting weekly home visits for about 2 years. Now that he will be turning 3, he will no longer get the home services and instead will have to go to the elementary school. He will be picked up by the short school bus at daycare at 8:00 AM each morning and will be back to day care at 11:20 or so. This happens Tuesday-Friday each week all school year long. There are approximately 1 adult for every 2 kids and the classroom is madeup of 3 to 4 year-olds with varrying disabilities. There was one boy in particular who totally reminded me of Logan... the way he walked and played and talked... neat. I think it will be a good thing for him.
Logan's been working on counting and singing these days, not because we are guiding him to do so, but because he is into that right now. View the video below to listen.
Dan has been outside this morning digging post holes for our fence. Exciting but it will be a long process to get this up and going. I wish I could get out and help him but the boys make it kind of hard. Once they take their afternoon naps, I'll be able to assist with the harder parts, I hope.
I took pictures of the boys this morning and will attach them below. For some reason, Gage was VERY photogenic today. Maybe it's the new haircut. Logan was in a serious mood but believe me, that has since changed.

Gage is walking about 95% of the time now and is improving every day. I think he probably has about 3 teeth now. 2 on the bottom and 1 on top. And the best news, everyone is sleeping through the night. Gage, Ava... everyone. I haven't gotten up with Gage in several weeks now so I think it's official.
We went and got Gage a haircut yesterday. He is like a whole new boy. It's weird how haircuts do that. We used the sucker trick again and he did real well. The color of his hair is much lighter now, unfortauntely, as I was hoping he would have Daddy's hair. None-the-less, he looks so much older. I was watching him in the mirror sucking on his sucker for quite a while, thinking about how cute he was. Then I glanced at my own reflection. It hit me how dark complected Gage really is. I am fair skinned but I already have a bit of a tan, but after looking at Gage, I appeared as white as a ghost.
I went and saw the preschool Logan will be attending next fall and was very impressed. Because of his grade III brain bleeds upon birth, Logan has automatically qualified for Early-Childhood Special Education services. He's been getting weekly home visits for about 2 years. Now that he will be turning 3, he will no longer get the home services and instead will have to go to the elementary school. He will be picked up by the short school bus at daycare at 8:00 AM each morning and will be back to day care at 11:20 or so. This happens Tuesday-Friday each week all school year long. There are approximately 1 adult for every 2 kids and the classroom is madeup of 3 to 4 year-olds with varrying disabilities. There was one boy in particular who totally reminded me of Logan... the way he walked and played and talked... neat. I think it will be a good thing for him.
Logan's been working on counting and singing these days, not because we are guiding him to do so, but because he is into that right now. View the video below to listen.
Dan has been outside this morning digging post holes for our fence. Exciting but it will be a long process to get this up and going. I wish I could get out and help him but the boys make it kind of hard. Once they take their afternoon naps, I'll be able to assist with the harder parts, I hope.
I took pictures of the boys this morning and will attach them below. For some reason, Gage was VERY photogenic today. Maybe it's the new haircut. Logan was in a serious mood but believe me, that has since changed.
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