Monday, February 26, 2007

Let it snow...

Well, the big February snow storm left us with 15 inches of new snow. Unbelievable. Lots of shoveling but also lots of fun for Logan. We did get out to enjoy it a little bit but with all that snow, there's not much for Logan to do. We pulled him around in a sled and Dan built a little snow fort with him. All this had such an impact on him that at day care today, all he could talk about was going to see Daddy to play in the snow.

We're supposed to get more snow throughout this week. Considering that we had really none to start with, a few inches will do us some good. By this next weekend, we'll be making our first snowman.

This past weekend, Daddy and I were wrestling in the living room. I looked over at Logan and he was staring at me all concerned. When I smiled at him, he smiled right back and came over and hugged me so tight and asked, "What Daddy do do?" It was cute to see how much he cared about me. Then we got Logan involved in the wrestling match. Also, Gage showed his concern by crawling on my face and grunting at Daddy. Very cute.

Gage recently started showing that he can crawl the right way. For the past months, he's been "GI Joe" crawling but lately, he's gotten his belly off the ground. I never thought I would have a child that would crawl-crawl. Nice to see.

I am soooo hoping Gage will start sleeping through the night soon. For a while now, he's been waking up about 2 times a night. I am getting soooo tired. I don't know what the trick is. I can't let him cry it out because he will keep on crying. When I get him in the middle of the night, he just eats real quick and back to sleep he goes. He was doing so well for a while. I don't know what's happened. Maybe he's teething. By the way, he still has no teeth and he's 11 months old.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Logan in his new bed

The boys in the bath

Hanging out

Logan and Mommy

More news...

Some new things have happened around our house and it's been neat to see. First off, Dan and I went to Hennings Furniture in St. Cloud Friday night and bought Logan a new bed. After a lot of searching and thinking, we decided to go for quality and bought a solid birch bunk bed and a couple matresses. It was assembled in time for him to sleep in it Friday night but in the end, he slept in the crib instead. But for last night, Logan fell asleep in his new bed and slept straight through the night. His bedroom is all Thomas the Train which Logan affectionally says, as he points to his bed, "Choo Choo Tain".

Also, this morning, Logan went poopie in the potty for the first time, although it was one tiny little terd, and after putting his diaper back on, he finished the job. But it's a start.

I had a TKD tournament yesterday, but because of my hand, I wasn't able to participate in all events. I did do the board breaking and pattern which went well. Lots of fun. I am excited for the day Logan can participate.

When I get some time, I'm going to try and post some pictures here.